The Vineyard


Most grape vines grow upwards towards the sun, but Syrah heads for the ground. Most grape vines have canes as strong as wire hawsers yet Syrah snaps at the slightest touch. And while most grapevines respond to trimming by moderating their growth, Syrah responds by growing a dense forest of laterals.

The viticulturist intent on producing the best possible fruit must accept that constant work on bud selection, canopy management and leaf stripping will be required throughout the growing season. For this reason alone the best Syrahs will always be expensive to produce and, allied with the contribution to quality that comes from the deliberate reduction of crop yeilds, that is unlikely to change.

(See The Year in the Vineyard)


From early October to late March The Hay Paddock vineyard crew works continuously to keep the fruit and canopy growth in balance.